{pray until something happens}
As I sit here at home, instead of being at my weekly Wednesday Bible study(thanks to strep throat), I have found myself embracing my current read. I love everything about this book and, in my opinion, it's a book everyone should read!
1.) It's written by Craig Groeshel, who is the pastor of LifeChurch.tv in Edmond. When Caleb and I started dating, we attended the LifeChurch campus in Stillwater every Sunday(well, almost every Sunday)! This was waaaaayyyy before they built their nice, new, awesome building in Stillwater! We ARE OLD! We attended LifeChurch when it was held in a school cafeteria!
2.) Reality check! It's amazing how many of us are Christian athesists...myself included. I kinda just "mentally" rolled my eyes when I heard the title of this book. I thought "this can't be me, I'm a great Christian." I thought I'd give it a try and boy, was I WRONG! This book really delves into the root of all of our everyday issues and uncertainties; whether it be worry, faith, forgiving the past, or giving.
3.) Many of my new favorite quotes and inspirational sayings came from the book :O)
4.) And did I mention Craig's an Okie...more inspiration to read it! Cool!
Some of my FAVORITES:
"God is interested not only in our actions but also in our hearts-in particular, our attitude toward him."
"PUSH. pray until something happens." I had never heard of this acronym before until I read this book. I just love it! I think I'll stick random post its in my house to remind me of this! We need to keep praying, no matter what. "God is far more patient than we are. He has eternity, so he's in no hurry. When we don't see immediate results to prayers, our tendency is to take back what we gave to God."
"When we live by faith, we believe that God has everything under control. But if we start to worry, how we live says the opposite."
"Worry is the result of trying to carry a burden that never belonged on our shoulders."
"Fear doesn't come from God. It's a tool the evil one uses to distract us from our true purpose here."
"Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything." Philippians 4:6-7
I still have 4 more chapters to read, so I'm sure I'll be updating this...stay tuned...! :O)