"I'm thankful for Jesus and God because they hold onto me when I'm in my booster seat and they love me and they forgive me when I'm naughty. And I'm thankful for lizards because they stick out their tongues, but I'm not suppossed to stick out my tongue because it's naughty. And I'm thankful for Macen and Alec and Caleb and Maddox because they are my friends. I'm thankful for everything in my bathroom and my bedroom and the living room and mommy's pictures and the Christmas tree and the big TV."
Oh goodness, this kid makes me laugh!! Cruz was agreeing with Corban, saying "yeah yeah." Haha!! I'm definitely thankful for my two, sweet boys! On the topic of Thanksgiving, Corban "participated" in his school's Thanksgiving program. "Participating" is probably an overstatement!! Many of you might not know this, but there are 2 sides of my dear Corban!! Most of you know his side #1!!
Side #1--->Crazy, ornery, spitfire, talkative, silly, happy, random, and all the other synonyms for these words :o)
Side #2--->COMPLETE OPPOSITE...shy, still, quiet...in other words, *good* Haha! ;o)
So, it really wasn't a surprise for Caleb and I when Corban decided to stand still and not sing a single word at his Thanksgiving program at school!! Haha!! But, you better believe, as soon as we got home, he started singing at the top of his lungs all of his program songs with all of the motions!!
His silly, goofball face...:o)

"We are pumpkins big & round, big & round, big & round. We are pumpkins big & round. We grow on the ground."

"We are carrots orange & long, orange & long, orange & long. We are carrots orange & long. We help to make you strong."

I hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!!