These were the words of wisdom given to Corban from his Nana(Caleb's mom). We were all driving in the car and I kept saying this quote over & over to myself because I loved it so much!! This is how the best art is created! Nana was the Bethel School art teacher for 25 years, before she retired due to health reasons. She loves everything about art! She won several awards, including the 'Oklahoma Art Educator of the Year'!! On her 50th birthday, when Corban was just 10 months old, he "painted" a canvas for her! Here's the proof:

We decided to continue this tradition for Cruz! Last weekend, Nana celebrated another birthday! We had Cruz "paint" his canvas for her :O) Cruz enjoyed his "Monet moment" so much, that he decided to use his ENTIRE body to paint!

And here's the finished product...Cruz, of course! Bath time immediately followed :O)

Naturally, we couldn't let Cruz have ALL the fun, Corban made a mess as well :O)

Here's to you, Nana! Happy Birthday with many more to come! We love you!
What little artists!